Hope you all had a great holiday break and had plenty of delicious food. Last week was a short week where the students had the ACT prep testing on Tuesday. With the Magnet curriculum evaluators coming in we have not had that much time to work on our new unit on the Advanced Rock Cycle. This week we will get deep into the unit and begin doing some activities and labs with rocks and minerals.
Mrs. Kahler's 8th Grade Science Class
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
We had a great week as we wrapped up our unit on Cells. The next unit we are beginning is on the advanced rock cycle. This unit includes rocks and minerals, tectonic plates, and many other topics. We will begin the new unit this week as well as learn more about Biotechnology. The new unit is a chance to get a fresh start as we close towards winter break.
Here's the schedule:
Monday, November 17
We will begin our advanced rock cycle mind map. We will also have a chance to make some test corrections to our past assessment.
Tuesday, November 18
We will do our unit 3 word boxes today. These are a great way to continue to study for the rest of the unit.
Wednesday, November 19
We will be learning about DNA, traits, and genes as part of our genetically modified organisms unit.
Thursday, November 20
We will learn about the theory of plate tectonics as part of our unit on the advanced rock cycle.
Friday, November 21
Today we will be learning about GMO's that are in our daily life. How do different people feel about GMO's? How do my peers feel about them? There will be group work and partner work today. An Exit Slip will be the piece need to check for student understanding.
Sunday, November 09, 2008
What a great week we had with the field trip on Thursday! It was a lot of fun and the students really enjoyed the trip to Detroit and Ford Field. The Science and Engineering Fair had all types of unique displays and demonstrations available, as well as some great hands on activities. Overall, the field trip went very smoothly and the students had a wonderful time.
We are at the conclusion of our plant unit, and the assessment is Tuesday. Make sure your child is looking over the study guide and continues to study.
Picture day is this Thursday (November 13th).
The Uglies is coming to a conclusion and we will be reading up to page 414 in class this week. The last eleven pages will need to be read by the students on their own.
We will begin to learn about GMO's (Genetically Modified Organisms) this week as part of our magnet curriculum on Biotechnology.
Wednesday is a very exciting day as we will have many great speakers from many different professions for our Career Day!!
Monday, November 10
The Uglies page 389-397. Students will use the class Jeopardy game to help review for their assessment tomorrow.
Tuesday, November 11
Unit 2 Assessment. Students should bring some reading material with them for after the test.
Wednesday, November 12
Career Day will take up the first four hours of the day. Hours 5, 6, and 7 will begin learning about GMO's by doing a simple experiment on isolating DNA from wheat-germ.
Thursday, November 13
The Uglies page 398-414. Students will watch a video entitled History's Harvest from united-streaming as an introduction to genetically modified organisms. Students will discuss the Pros and Cons of GMO's.
Friday, November 14
Students will use the laptop computers to learn ore about Genetically Modified Organisms. The website is entitled Seeds of Fear and it is from PBS.
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Remember that there is no school for students on Tuesday due to teacher professional development. Then on Thursday, there is the trip to Detroit's Ford Field for the science and engineering fair. Your child had to have their field trip permission trip slip returned today (Friday) to attend. Teachers will be making the teams on Monday during their plan time.
This week we will be finishing up our work on cells and reviewing for the assessment which will be on November 11th.
Picture Day is November 13th. Students were given their picture packets in Advisory on Thursday.
Here's the schedule:
Monday, November 3
Lab Day. Students will be going into the lab to view different slides on plant and animal cells. We will be collecting progress reports.
Tuesday, November 4
No School for Students, Teacher Professional Development Day.
Wednesday, November 5
We will be working to organize our planner by fixing the Table of Contents and then the pages. Be sure to bring all papers. The study guide for the assessment will also be handed out. We will be creating a Fold-able to help with our studying for the test.
Science Connections
Mr. Allie will be using an article on Genetically Modified Organisms to teach a reading strategy for students. There is on more group to create their Podcast today.
Thursday, November 6
Detroit Field Trip! 8:00-4:00.
Friday, November 7
Students will work in pairs to complete their study guides. The assessment will be on Tuesday, November 11th. We will also work with our Fold-able study guide.
Science Connections
Mr. Allie will be using an article on Genetically Modified Organisms to teach a reading strategy for students.