Mrs. Kahler's 8th Grade Science Class

Sunday, October 29, 2006

We are beginning a new unit on Transportation and Alternative Energy for the next ~ 6 weeks. This unit is new for me also so it will truly be a learning experience, but exciting. This is a four day week so look for your child's progress reports on Thursday. Can you believe that we are already half way through the second marking period? It is going by so quickly.
Also, just a reminder that your child can at any time, complete extra credit work by reading a book from our Milwood library that comes from the 500's and/or the 600's section and pertains to science. If the book has a dot on the side of it, it is an Accelerated Reader book. Take the Accelerated Reader computer test, bring me your test score of 80% or better and I will give you the extra credit points for it. If the book is not an Accelerated Reader book, write a one page edited book report on it and I will give you the extra credit points. Continue to watch for other ways to also earn extra credit, but you can always get extra credit this way too.

Monday, October 30th


Students will be taking a pretest on what their prior knowledge is about Transportation and Alternative Energy. This is not a graded test, but it helps to get them thinking about what they already know about the subject and helps the teachers to know what areas we need to focus on. The class will also discuss how energy is used in their life, what sources the U. S. currently uses the most of, and how energy affects others around the world. They will then watch the video, Powershift. Students will probably not finish the entire video today and continue it on Wednesday.


Students will continue with their Literature Circle books and meet in their groups to conduct discussions on their readings. Students have assignments to complete between each of these class periods. They have a red folder with their assignment and their jobs.

Tuesday, October 31st


Students will watch some gross science called, Nightmares of Nature. They will see some creepy animals and insects and the science behind them. Really fun!

Wednesday, November 1st


We will continue with the video, Powershift, and finish answering our questions about the video as listed in Monday's lesson. If time permits, we will begin to brainstorm everything that we can about transportation. These brainstorming posters will be displayed around the room and we will refer back to them continuously throughout the unit.


Students will continue to work on their Literature Circles, complete their weekly self evaluation and receive their progress reports. A large part of their grade is participation in class, so continue to encourage your child to take a positive role in this. Thank you.

Thursday, November 2nd


We will continue on with the brainstorming of Transportation. We will do what is called, "Mining the ideas" and really dig into each idea from the students. We may also see a 2 minute video on transportation.


Friday, October 20, 2006

GREAT work on the MEAPs this week everyone. I am proud of all the students and our team's great teamwork! This is a big week for science because you will all be demonstrating what you have learned these past 7 weeks. Welcome to the 8th graders and their families who are joining our team this week. Next week we will be beginning a new science unit called, "eek!: Transportation Curriculum". We are excited to pilot this new curriculum with the Sustainable Futures Group.

Another THANK YOU to all who were able to attend the Fall Conferences this year. We enjoyed meeting you all and look forward to our continued work with you and your child.

Reminder: Mr. Burtis and I are here at lunch to help students every day. I am also at Homework Hub after school on Tuesday, Thursdays, and every other Wednesday to help any Milwood Magnet school student with homework. I look forward to seeing you there.
Monday, October 23rd,

Students will finish their notes/Powerpoint on "Decomposition". Groups who have not completed their investigation on "Organic Matter in Soil" will complete it on Monday and turn in their investigation sheet.

Tuesday, October 24th,

All student Vocabulary Games are due today!!!!
Students will begin reviewing for their assessment on Ecosystems by playing each others' vocabulary games for this period. Students worked in class for atleast two days to complete these games. Any games not completed should be finished as homework due today. The games will be graded in class and students will bring the games home today.

Students will listen to The Skin I'm In. They will then get into their Literature Circle groups and discuss their reading assignments and their literature circle job. Students receive a daily grade for: bringing their planner, their literature circle book, their red folder with the three packets in it, and having good behavior and participation. This is a daily grade of 25 points. Students should take home any group work that they did not complete in class to finish for the next class period. Their group depends on them having their work done for their discussion.

Wednesday, October 25th,

Students will use the information that they have learned about "Decomposition" to complete today's "Leaf Litter Critters" activity. We will be looking at decomposition that is occuring in our own courtyards with the fallen leaves. Students will record data and observe the ecosystem within the leaves.

Thursday, October 26th,

Students will use their notes and what they have learned to play "Ecosystem Jeopardy" to help them review for their test tomorrow. The winning group will receive extra credit toward their assessment tomorrow. Good Luck!

Students will listen to The Skin I'm In. They will then get into their Literature Circle groups to discuss the reading and their jobs. Students will receive their daily Literature Circle grade and will also complete their Weekly Connections Progress sheet for another grade.

Friday, October 27th,

Honor Roll/Points Up Party

Science-TEST TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Students will complete their end of the unit test on "Ecosystems". Bring something to read with you for when you complete your test.

Extra Credit: Due on Friday, October 27th.
Create a food web of Michigan organisms using pictures. The pictures can be from magazines or the internet or sketches. The food web must have atleast 7 organisms all from Michigan and be realistic. Mount the food web on construction paper (I have some in the room if anyone needs it). Write one paragraph on how your food web works. Then explain how the food web is affected if one organism is removed from that ecosystem. Turn in on Friday during class.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Monday, October 16th

8th Grade Science
All classes will finish their Transpiration investigation and turn in their lab sheets (weather permitting). We will then begin looking into the next cycle of nature, "Photosynthesis". Students will take notes, view short video clips, see a web site that will help them visualize the process, and check out a "Photosynthesis Dish".

Students will begin the second marking period today. They will work in one of three groups: Literature Circles, Read Naturally, or Silent Reading. Students' grades for the week depend on their attendance and their participation.

Tuesday, October 17th

8th Grade Science
Students will continue with their gathering information of the "Photosynthesis cycle". They will begin an Investigation on Photosynthesis.

Wednesday, October 18th

8th Grade Science
Students will observe their investigation on Photosynthesis from the day before. Then they will begin to gather information on the last cycle of nature that we will be studying, "The Decomposition Cycle". They will learn through a Powerpoint presentation and add notes to their science journal.

Students will move to their next group as Monday's lesson states and continue to work on their individual reading program. They will use Literature Circles, Read Natural, and Silent Reading.

Thursday, October 19th

8th Grade Science

Students will finish any notes and then begin their two day investigations on, "Organic Soil Matter" and the "Leaf Litter Critter Investigation". Students will need to complete the lab sheets in class and will also be given a lab grade.

Friday, October 20th

8th Grade Science
Students will complete the last of their investigations from Thursday.

Students will finish their week long cycle of rotations through the three reading groups designed specifically for their own reading.

Extra Credit Opportunity for this week - Science.
Create a three dimensional model of the photosynthesis cycle. Type a paragraph to go along with it to explain the model present on Friday, October 20th. Be sure to tell me that you have extra credit to present in class that day. No late extra credit will be accepted.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Reminder: Progress Reports went home last week, September 29th. Your child should bring their progress reports back signed for classroom credit. Also, I am still tutoring during my lunch time and after school on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursdays in the library. Your teachers are happy to help!

This is MEAP week! Please be sure that your child can get plenty of rest, a good breakfast, and be to school on time. Testing days this week, are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Monday, October 9th

8th Grade Science
Students will continue to work on the water cycle with notes, a PowerPoint presentation, short video clips and investigations on transpiration.

7th Grade Science

Students will work in their journals to learn the water cycle. Mr. Burtis will show a short video clip and discuss the water cycle model that is working in the classroom.

Tuesday, October 10th

8th Grade Science
Students will work on finishing their vocabulary games. Please bring any materials that you need that I may not have already in the room.

7th Grade Science
Students will read about what a civil engineer is and then work on a lesson about what happens to salt in the water cycle. They will perform an experiment with assigned questions.

Students will listen to The Skin I'm In. Then they will complete their Literature Circle activities, Read Naturally, and silent reading.

Wednesday, October 11th

8th Grade Science
Students will work on any water cycle activities that are still left. Then they will begin to learn about the next "cycle", photosynthesis. They will gather information from a PowerPoint, take notes and complete the investigation.

7th Grade Science
Students will complete the water cycle and salt investigation and correct their work.

Homework: 1st period: graph is due tomorrow. Bring all Vocabulary game parts to finish during class on Friday. The MEAPs are throwing off our schedule.
2nd period: Vocabulary game we will work on tomorrow and is due on Monday.
3rd period: Review game for the water cycle. Bring water cycle poster to class tomorrow.
4th period: Bring Vocabulary Game to complete for Monday.
5th period: See you on Friday, bring Vocabulary Game to complete the first 15 minutes of class and work on Transpiration Investigation.
7th period: See you tomorrow with a silent reading book and ready to work in class on articles about the 5 W's.

Thursday, October 12th

8th Grade Science
Students will work to finish their learning of the cycle of photosynthesis. (See Wednesday). Any time that is left over will be used for last minute touches on their vocabulary game and playing the game with their group, before having other students play their game.

7th Grade Science
Students will complete another experiment on what happens to ocean salt water. They will also complete a text criticism with questions to complete at home.

Students will listen to The Skin I'm In and complete their normal rotations of Read Naturally, Literature Circles and silent reading.

Friday, October 13th (Students in AM only)

8th Grade Science

Students will complete their Stomata investigations.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Monday, October 2. Last day for late work from the first 4 weeks of school!

8th Grade Science

Students will finish lesson 2, "It's All Connected". The will receive their vocabulary quiz back from Friday. There will be homework for tonight. Students will be given a graphic aid to assist them in answering a question, "Will the population of the affected organisms increase or decrease?" Students will write one paragraph to answer this question and use the rubric on the back of the graphic aid to help guide them in completion of the assignment. Teachers will be collecting the progress reports from last Friday for a homework grade. They must be signed by a parent or a guardian.

7th Grade Science

Students will continue to work on Lesson #7 "Icecaps and Glaciers". The focus for today will be on climate and students will be working in their journals. Teachers will be collecting the progress reports from last Friday for a homework grade. They must be signed by a parent or a guardian.


Students will be broken into three groups to begin their Read Naturally kits, form groups to read Literature Circles, and read silently.

Tuesday, October 3rd

8th Grade Science

Students will be turning in their completed writing activity. Today's activity is Extension and Enrichment. Students will be broken into three groups. One group will be completing an Energy Flow Scavenger Hunt with Mr. Burtis in the courtyard. Another group will be in the room playing a "Who Am I?" game that is like Twenty Questions. This is an opportunity for students to ask questions about what organism they are by using their knowledge from class instruction. There will also be Stomata prints being made by another group in class.

7th Grade Science

Students will be completing lesson #7 on "Icecaps and Glaciers". They will then be practicing their new vocabulary using a crossword puzzle.

Wednesday, October 4th

8th Grade Science

We will be finishing the Extension and Enrichment activities from Tuesday.

7th Grade Science

Students will be studying the watercycle. They will use their journals, a working classroom model of the water cycle, and use a diagram.


Students will be continuing their rotations through Monday's lesson with Read Naturally, Literature Circles and silent reading.

Thursday, October 5th

8th Grade Science

Classes will begin their study on Chapter #3 on cycles with "The Water Cycle". They will receive information from a Powerpoint, taking notes, using a graphic of the water cycle to put into their journals and see a short video. They will also be able to observe the 7th grades working model of the water cycle.

7th Grade Science

Students will expand their learning on the water cycle by discovering "Why the Ocean is Salty?" They will continue to work in their journals.

Friday, October 6th

8th Grade Science

Students will continue their lesson on cycles and learn about "The Photosynthesis and Carbon Cycle". Students will take notes from a PowerPoint and watch a short video clip on these cycles. They will also receive a graphic to put into their journals.

7th Grade Science

Students will continue their lesson from Thursday on "Why the Ocean is Salty?" by reading and discussing a text criticism. Students will have questions to answer about the reading and will finish the questions at home over the weekend. The questions are due on Monday, October 9th.


Students will continue to rotate through the three areas: Read Naturally, Literature Circles and Silent Reading.