Mrs. Kahler's 8th Grade Science Class

Monday, April 28, 2008

Wow! What happened to the Spring weather? Hope to see it back soon. We are going to begin Reproductive Health May 1st. This is a fun class for students because they get to talk about their lives and beliefs more than in a typical science class. I'm looking forward to it.

Have a great week!

Monday, April 28
We are going to be working in groups on creating our own shortened version of the periodic table of elements. Students will be using the Bohr's model and dot diagramming with it.

Tuesday, April 29
Mixtures day! Today we will be looking back at a chemistry section on solutions, solvents and mixtures and putting them to use in real life.

Wednesday, April 30
Chemistry Scavenger Hunt on line. There will be a guest teacher here today (unless I don't get called for Jury Duty). Please remind your child of your expectations for him/her when there is a guest in the classroom. I will remind them also. Thank you. Students will hopefully be working in the computer lab today.
Thursday, May 1
Reproductive Health begins today. We will go over the routines and expectations for class and look at what the outline is for this unit.

Friday, May 2
Lesson 1. More to follow on this. The TE is not at hand this moment.

MI Ecosystems
Monday, April 28
Students will be looking at lesson 2 "It's All Connected". They will be using ecosystem posters to help explain food chains. Students will also take Lancer Notes to put into their folder.

Wednesday, April 30
Continue Monday's lesson.

Friday, May 2
We will view a portion of "Blue Planet" on food chains. Students will discuss examples from the movie and then take different MI Ecosystems and begin working on food chains within it.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Hello All! It was the first week back from break and the first week without Mr. Musser. We really do miss him.

Students were given a Periodic Table Word Search activity today to work on some over the weekend. If there are any questions on how to complete parts of this, please leave those parts until Monday. We will work on this for about 10 minutes on Monday before we correct them. Students also asked for me to link a Periodic Table to the site. Here it is:

Please check with your child, to see that they turned in their high school class choices with your signature. If it has not been turned in yet, please get it to us by Monday.


Monday, April 21

We will be completing the Foldable Study guide. Remember to bring page 45 to class and turn in.

7th Period will be finishing lesson 10.4.

Tuesday, April 22

Students will be working in class on completing the Ch. 10 review to prepare for the assessment on Thursday. Assignment during class is p. 293-295, Reviewing Vocabulary 1-10; Checking Concepts 1-10; Understanding Concepts 11-15; and Thinking Critically 17 and 18. Students can work with partners at their tables and should not have to bring any homework home. This assignment is due at the end of the class period.

Wednesday, April 23

We will answer any review questions from yesterday and play Jeopardy to review for tomorrow's assessment.
Jeopardy Game Review
Thursday, April 24

Assessment 10 in class.

Friday, April 25

Students will play Chemistry Bingo today in class. This is to help them get better aquainted with using the Periodic Table.


Tuesday, April 22

This is going to be a study period due to most of the class working on an activity with Mr. Koch.

Thursday, April 24

Students will complete their riddle sheets and go on an outdoor scavenger hunt to find parts of the ecosystem.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

I hope everyone enjoyed their Spring Break. Mine was very restful. Only 9 weeks left before Summer Vacation. Four of those weeks will be spent on Reproductive Health so we only have a little time left for chemistry. We have lots to learn to be ready for high school. Let's dig in for the last few weeks.

Also, many of you already know that Mr. Musser's last day was on April 3rd. He is being offered a long-term subbing job here at Milwood and WMU has allowed him to graduate a few days early. Congratulations Mr. Musser! We will miss you.


Monday, April 14

We will be reviewing what we have learned from chapter 10. To do this, we will be creating a foldable pamphlet to help us. If you are absent this day, please see the class model or better yet, get with a friend and make your foldable. This item will be a good help in studying for the assessment too.

Tuesday, April 15
Please push back Monday's lesson to Tuesday. Lesson is taking longer than expected.

Wednesday, April 16
Students will view video with a guest teacher. This video should help prepare students to learn about the Periodic Table of Elements. There will be a short worksheet at the end of the video. Worksheets should be handed in before students leave class.

Thursday, April 17

Students will read lesson 10.4 The Periodic Table. They will put notes into their journal. 7th hour will work on 10.3-they are one class behind due to the assembly before Spring Break.
Homework: worksheet page 45

Friday, April 18

We will correct last night's homework. Students will work in partners to review chapter 10. On Monday we will have a class review and on Tuesday, we will have the chapter 10 assessment.


Monday, April 14

We will begin class with an "Inside/Outside Circle" as a classbuilding activity. Then we will move to our new seats. With our new groups, we will work on a teambuilding activity called, "I'm Outta Here!" This will take ~15 minutes. Then we will begin our Ecosystems Vocabulary activity with our group. Students will work in their teams using "Fan-N-Pick" to review vocabulary.

Wednesday, April 16

Students will be viewing a video on ecosystems. There will be a worksheet for students to complete with it.

Friday, April 18

Students will review vocabulary using Monday's Fan-N-Pick activity. Next they will be given cards to complete a classbuilding activity "Find-Someone-Who". We will complete 3 rounds of this one with new cards each time. We will then begin our Powerpoint lesson on "It's All Connected". Students will be using Lancer notes and keeping them in their folder.
