Mrs. Kahler's 8th Grade Science Class

Friday, February 29, 2008

Here comes the snow AGAIN! I hope you are enjoying the weather. This is the last week before Science Fair Projects are due (due March 7th during class). I had a few students who stayed after last week to get work done in the lab. Hopefully everyone is on course.

Please check HAC for missing work since we are really down to the wire here. The last day for late work is March 7th. Science Fair Projects will be posted the following week since it takes quite a while to grade these.

Please note that conferences will be March 19th and 20th. We look forward to sitting down with you to discuss your child's progress.


Monday, March 3

LAB day! We will be going into the lab. Students will have the opportunity to explore, observe and describe some reactions involving common substances without providing scientific explanations. They will be sharing their observations with the class.

Tuesday, March 4

Today we will start ch. 9 on Classification of Matter. We will be working on vocabulary with Word Boxes for lesson 9.1.

These are the words:




heterogeneous mixture

homogeneous mixture



Tyndall effect


These are due by tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 5

We will be working on Lesson 9.1 "Composition of Matter". There will be a PowerPoint and some short notes. Students will distinguish between substances and mixtures. They will also compare and contrast solutions, colloids and suspensions.

Homework: Composition of Matter p. 39.

With the assembly today, there is no homework. This lesson will be finished tomorrow.

Thursday, March 6

Turn in homework. We will be working on Activity 9-1. This activity is to help students to classify materials based on their appearance and chemical makeup.

Friday, March 7

All Science Fair Projects are due today! Students will be bringing in their projects to class and we will have a Carousel Feedback session. Teams will rotate from project to project to give feedback to other students.

Global Warming

Monday, March 3

Students will complete their chain reaction list for global warming and then be rating each global warming effect. They will work in their groups and then work on preparing for their Global Warming Summit.

Wednesday, March 5

Last day to finish preparing for the Global Warming Summit.

Friday, March 7

Global Warming Summit. Students will play the parts they chose and represent their constituents.

Friday, February 22, 2008

What a fun week in science! We learned about buoyancy, pressure, and several other principles. There was a lab on gas that we got to go into the lab for. Next week we will be in the lab again with a lesson on why we need to wear goggles in the lab. We will also be reviewing lesson 8.1 through 8.5 for an Assessment on Friday.

I will be here after school on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday until 3:20 to help students who need to use science tools, books or computers to complete their Science Fair projects. Students should bring their work and supplies with them. Students will also need to be picked up at 3:20, walk home, or go to their afterschool program.


Tuesday, February 26

We are going to be creating a tab booklet to help us remember the gas laws and the fluid principles. The book will contain the definitions, the example we used in class and a mneumonic device to remember it with. These books will go into our journals so we can use them on the assessment on Friday.

Homework: Uses of Fluids worksheet

Wednesday, February 27

Mr. Musser will be running a lab on "Why We Wear Goggles in the Lab". He has received donations from the community for this one and it may have a musical score to go along with it. It should be fun.

After this lesson, we will be review the names of items used in the lab that the high school teachers feel would be helpful for students to know when they get to 9th grade.

Thursday, February 28

We are going to be playing Jeopardy to review for Chapter 8 Assessment. Jeopardy game will be posted here after classes today.

Friday, February 29

Chapter 8 Assessment.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy February All! We have been plunged right into the middle of lots of learning. You should have received a Science Fair Packet on Tuesday last week, with things to help your child with their project. We dug deeper into Chemistry this week, had Valentine's Day and Mr. Musser is beginning to take on more of the teaching. There is a lot happening here.

If I haven't received a parent/guardian signed Science Fair Sheet from you, I am trying to contact you to be sure that you know about it.

Progress Reports went home from all 8+(Awesome) core teachers today. Please have your child return any missing work in to me as soon as possible. Also, return the progress report to me on Monday signed for another assignment grade. Thanks.

Let's have a great week!


Monday, February 18

We will be finishing any hours that did not complete all of lesson 8.3 on Behavior of Gases. Then we will be reviewing the Scientific Method by using two activities, "Bursting Balloons" (Charles's Law) and "Amazing Marshmallows" (Boyle's Law). During each of these activities, we will focus on our hypothesis and variables.

Tuesday, February 19

Today, we will be preparing to begin working in the Science Lab. We will be going over lab safety and signing a lab contract. It is so important that we follow the rules in the lab so that EVERYONE is safe. Please remind your child that you expect them to follow the rules and routines of a lab. Thank you.

We are running about 1 day behind on the Science Fair Calendar. Please turn in your Hypothesis and Variables Worksheet from your Science Fair Packet.

Wednesday, February 20

All class periods except 3rd will be going into the lab today. We will be completing a simple Design Your Own Lab on particles in a gas responding to temperature. Our focus will be on practicing our Lab Safety and using the Scientific Method for the Science Fair.

Thursday, February 21

We will begin lesson 8.5 on Uses of Fluids. We will be learning about buoyant force, Archimedes principle, Pascal's principle, Bernoulli's principle, and Venturi effect. We will work on this lesson for today and tomorrow. During today's lesson, we will take information off the PowerPoint and make clay boats to explore buoyancy.

Notes: 8.5%20Uses%20of%20Fluids.ppt

Friday, February 22

Today we will continue with lesson 8.5 from Thursday (see Thursday). We will learn about Bernoulli's principle with a toilet paper launcher and a paper demo. What fun!

Global Warming

Tuesday, February 19

Finish the video, "An Inconvenient Truth".

Thursday, February 21

Begin student summit on Global Warming.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Hello all! I hope this blog finds all of you well. Lots of illness going around so take care. On Monday you should receive your Science Fair packet from your child. We have talked a little about this in class so far and you should have seen your child's project choice and signed it already. I hope that packet is helpful to you. Please watch the due dates to help your child and I will continue to remind them here and model the process.


Tuesday, February 12

We will be learning about thermal pollution and what happens to fresh water. There will be a short 5 minute video and a miniLAB on dissolving chemicals. Students will then have time to finish their word boxes from last week. They will be turned in today.
We ran out of time to work on Word boxes, we will work on them for a few minutes tomorrow and then turn them in.
Class Notes and LAB:

Wednesday, February 13

We will begin to look at 8.3 Changes in State. We learned about the Kinetic Theory of Matter last week and we will be applying it to this lesson. First, we will give students a few minutes (5 minutes) to finish the word boxes they started last week. Then we will do a reinforcement activity on Kinetic Theory of Matter. There will be a PowerPoint and notes in our new journals.

Thursday, February 14, Happy Valentine's Day

Begin with the MiniLAB to demonstrate evaporation and energy loss. We will then continue on with the lesson on PowerPoint and notes. This will rap up lesson 8.3.

Notes: 8.3%20Changes%20in%20State.ppt

Homework: p. 36.

Friday, February 15,

Students will be completing a group activity on the Heat of Fusion and the Heat of Vaporization. We will be collecting data for the entire class period. In the meantime, we will work on a group vocabulary activity. There is a great deal of vocabulary to know.

Global Warming

Wednesday, February 13

This week, we will be viewing "An Inconvenient Truth". Students will be gather more information on how Global Warming will affect them and the world.

Friday, February 15

This week, we will be viewing "An Inconvenient Truth". Students will be gather more information on how Global Warming will affect them and the world.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

February 06, 2008

Here is the homework for the night. You may use your Science journals, but remember to put them in a safe place so that you have them for tomorrow!!


February 06, 2008

Here are the notes from today!!


Sunday, February 03, 2008

Wow! Two snow days in one week. How did that happen? I hope everyone is rested and healthy (we had strep throat) and ready to learn. You should have received a paper from your child choosing what Science Fair Project they would like to do. Please return that on Monday so I know that they have shared it with you.

The midterm will now be pushed back until Monday. Hopefully everyone had more time to study. On Tuesday, we will begin Chemistry. I will be out on Tuesday and during the afternoon on Wednesday so appreciate all your reminders to your students about behavior expectations. Also, on Wednesday, teachers from Loy Norrix's Freshman Academy will be coming over to Milwood to see how things work over here and what expectations are for students.

Have a great week!

Monday, February 4th

We will be taking our Midterm that we missed on Friday due to the Snow Day. Students need to turn in their homework, "Science Fair Project".

Tuesday, February 5th

Students will complete Word Boxes for Lesson 8.1.

These are the words:

states of matter, kinetic theory of matter, crystal, plasma, thermal expansion, solid, and liquid.

Word boxes should be complete before students leave the room. They will have the entire time to complete them.

Wednesday, February 6th

Students will receive their new Science Journals. Do not loose the old one! It may be used on the Final Exam. If your child loses their journal, they can purchase one at the school store or from any store and get notes from a peer.

We will be looking at examples of solids, liquids, gases and plasma. We will be gathering information from the book lesson 8.1 and modeling information as we go. Students will have their journals to take home to answer the homework.

Homework: p. 34 Matter and Temperature worksheet

Thursday, February 7th

We will be working on an activity in class, 8.1 Properites of Liquids. Students will be observing the properties of materials and classifying it according to state. Students should also be working on gathering research on their Science Fair Project. They should have at least three different resources. Their three note cards are due on February 11th.

Friday, February 8th

No school for students. Professional Development Day for teachers.

Global Warming

Monday, February 4th

We will be completing the lab from last week on Thursday, January 31st.

Wednesday, February 6th

Finish Monday's lab on CO2.