Well we've hit the last week of October. I can't believe it is already November. This week is a short week due to the fact that we don't have school on Friday. The big news for this week is the technology field trip to Detroit at Ford Field. We are in the process of selecting 10 team members to go. To be eligible you need to have 70 blue tickets, be on tier 1 and have a permission slip filled out by Tuesday. Slots are filling up fast so you might be put on a waiting list. Don't worry though we may be getting more slots if other teams can't fill up their ten person list. This is an awesome opportunity and we hope you can make it.
Progress reports go home next week.
Here is our schedule for the week.
Monday Oct. 29
Today we will be having our first assessment. This will cover all of our material we have gone through since the beginning of school. Make sure to look over your old work, review your notes in your science notebook (you can use your notes during the test), and any other study materials you have. Remember to check out the Jeopardy Review game posted on the blog for some more help.
Tuesday Oct. 30
We'll start chapter 4 today in the book. We will be exploring accelerated motion especially Newton's Second Law. Which should be review because we covered it when we were learning about gravity. We will also be talking about air resistance and terminal velocity. We'll be using the formula F=ma. We will also be doing a "huge physics problem" that ties all the formulas we have worked with together. A link to the problems is found below this paragraph.
If you weren't here on Tuesday for the worksheet use the variables d= 6.84m and t= 3.36s. Those were the variables we found during class and with those you can find the force it took to stop Mr. K from hitting the wall on the skateboard.
Wednesday Oct. 31
To celebrate Halloween we will be watch films about animals that are prominent during Halloween time. Have fun and be safe after school.
Thursday Nov. 1
Today we will be working on making Word Boxes for the new chapter we are starting. This chapter is about Acceleration and Momentum.
Homework: (This may have been completed during class.) The words we are using for Word Boxes are:air resistance, terminal velocity, projectile, centripetal acceleration, centripetal force, artificial satellite, momentum, law of conservation of momentum, Newton's second law of motion, Newton's third law of motion, horizontal motion, vertical motion, action force, and reaction force.
This vocabulary activity is a big one-42 points! It is so important to do your best and get it turned in on time.
Students were also given their assessments back from Unit 3. They were given a Test Reflection and Correction sheet to earn back 1/2 of their missed points. Below is another copy if they need it.
Friday Nov. 2
No School! Enjoy your day off.
Tuesday Oct. 30
We will start the day with a little bit of time to finish up our team project we started last Friday. During this time pairs will finish any other drawings and prepare material for their presentation they will be giving on their location they picked to demonstrate succession if the school were abandoned.
Thursday Nov. 1
We'll finish any presentations we missed on Tuesday. If we have time we will a few short films about animals and their behaviors. The animals we will be looking will be Halloween centered.