Mrs. Kahler's 8th Grade Science Class

Friday, October 05, 2007

Happy Friday! I hope that everyone saw their child's progress reports this week and sent them back signed for a grade. Overall, the kids are doing pretty well. I am looking forward to seeing all of you during conference week to discuss your child's progress October 17th or 18th. Please bring your child with you to their conference. Watch for more details to come.

Next week is MEAP week. Please help your child to come to school every day and to be well rested. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Picture day is October 11th. Students are given picture packets in Advisory class if they choose to take one.


Monday, October 8th

We will be finishing our lesson from Friday on Velocity and Acceleration in class. This is lesson 3.2 from the text book.

Tuesday, October 9th

MEAP Testing!

Students will then work on Lesson 3.3 on the social issue of Seatbelts and Inertia. They will have a discussion that connects them to science and the core democratic values.

Wednesday, October 10th

MEAP Testing!

Students will work on Lesson 3.4 on Forces. We will have a mini lab to demonstrate force. This is a review lesson from 7th grade.

Thursday, October 11th

MEAP Testing!

Students will be working on the force of Gravity. This is lesson 3.5 from the text book.

Friday, October 12th

1/2 day of school!

Students will finish the lesson from Thursday on Gravity.


Monday, October 8th
The theme of the week is cycles in nature. Today we will be looking at the water cycle and it's role in making ecosystems sustainable. We will also start a lab based on transpiration today. Students in their table groups will tie a gallon plastic bag around a group of leaves on a tree to measure the amount of transpiration taking place over the next two days.

Wednesday, October 10th
Working again with cycles today we will be looking at the carbon cycle and how photosynthesis fits into it. We will also be concluding our transpiration lab today.

Friday, October 12th
Finsihing up with cycles we will be looking at how decomposition cycles nutrients back into an ecosystem.


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