Sorry that I forgot to blog last week. We basically just worked on completing our Science Review ABC books. The ABC Science books are due on Tuesday, June 12th when students come into class. Please be sure that you are checking your child's grades on line. There will obviously be no make up time for grades and many students have seemed to check out already. I did send home progress reports already so I hope that you saw them.
The trip to Chicago was great! I hope your child had a great time also. The CSI exhibit was really interesting and went well with the trip to K-College for the Forensic Workshop. Be careful what you do at home because your CSI may catch you with the evidence!
Reminder that this week on Tuesday starting at 6:00 PM is the 8th grade Awards Program and immediately following is the dance. Lots of talk about this!
Exams are on Wednesday and Thursday and they are half days. Wednesday, June 13th will be 2nd through 4th hour exams. Thursday, June 14th will be 5th through 8th hour exams.
I also just wanted to tell you all how fantastic it has been to be able to work with your children. There have been many laughs and lots of "lights coming on" thinking. I wish the best for you and your child. Hopefully our team will be able to visit Norrix next year in the Fall to see how all the kids are doing.
Students will be turning in their ABC books to me on Tuesday and studying for their final in class. Everyone was encouraged all year to keep their journal for the final exam. This is what they should use to study from and bring to their final to use also.
Creation Station
All 6 week project books are due by the end of the class today! I will give them back to a teacher on team to return to students the following day.