Mrs. Kahler's 8th Grade Science Class

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Hello All. Wow it is a hot one today. Sorry that this blog is a couple of hours later than usual, but better late than never. The last day to get a permission slip in for Chicago is tomorrow (5/30/07). If you cannot locate a permission slip at home, please just write the information on a piece of paper with your signature and your child's name on it.

The last day for the take home chemistry test to be returned is this Friday, June 1st.

Have a great week!

May 29 - June 1st


All classes are working on creating a book called, "The ABC's of Science for 8th Grade". All students are working in groups during class unless they have asked not to work in a group or have lost the privilege of working with one. Each class period is devoted to students creating this book and to help them review for the final exam. If students are working hard in class, there will be no homework.

Creation Station

All this week, we will be working on topics already assigned on the blue sheet. Next week, we will be working on the cover of the book.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Hope you all had a great weekend! THIS THURSDAY IS OUR SCHOOL'S SCIENCE FAIR. I am still waiting on details of the times, but your child's class project is coming along. We will also be having student demos for the family to observe and participate in. I hope that your family can make it.

This Friday evening, students will have an opportunity to attend a Forensics Night at Kalamazoo College from 4:00 to 5:30. Students in grades 6th through 8th grade from Milwood Magnet School are invited to attend. We will provide supervision after school and transportation to Kalamazoo College, but students must be picked up by their guardian by 5:30. We are truly lucky to be offered this opportunity! I know that it is a holiday weekend, but I am hopeful that many students will be able to attend. The maximum number of students able to attend is 65, so please return permission slips that went home on Friday immediately.

We finished Chemistry on Friday with the Chemistry Assessment. Next week we will finish up our science fair projects and then finish up Reproductive Health. The year really is going by quickly! Have a great week!

Monday, May 21st


Students will work to finish their Science Fair Projects and create their demonstrations.

Creation Station

Students will be working on their "Importance of..." paper. This is due on Wednesday. Progress Reports should also come back today.

Tuesday, May 22nd


Students will work to finish their Science Fair Projects and create their demonstrations.

Wednesday, May 23rd


If we are finished with the Science Fair projects, we will go back to finishing Reproductive Health. We will begin on lesson 10 "Reasons for Abstinence". Students will watch a short video and list reasons why abstinence will benefit them and reasons why it may be difficult to remain abstinent.

Creation Station

Students will turn in their typed, "Importance of..." paper and then work on their two poems for their book. We will have a mini lesson on diamante poetry.

Thursday, May 24th


Students will watch a short video on the Scientific Process. I will be absent during the day today. Science Fair is tonight!

Friday, May 25th


We will discuss the Science Fair from the night before and then begin Lesson 11 "Making Abstinence Work".

Creation Station

Students will turn in their two poems from Wednesday and work on their last poem. We will have a short mini lesson on acrostic poems.

Students who are going to Kalamazoo College for Forensics Night stay after school for their program. Students will need to be picked up at Kalamazoo College at 5:30 PM.

Friday, May 11, 2007

I hope you all enjoyed your weekend. We are coming up on the last week of Chemistry and we will be continuing our Science Fair classwork. Progress Reports will be going home on Friday, May 18th. As always, please sign and return them to me on the following Monday for a class homework assignment. Have a great week!

Monday, May 14th


Students will complete Lesson 15 "Atoms in equals Atoms out: Vinegar and Baking Soda". They are building models of molecules as the products and the reactants and getting very good at it. The will complete the Think and Write questions on page 73, 1-5. If there is any time left, we will work on our Science Fair project.

Tuesday, May 15th


Students will complete lesson 16 "Atoms in equals Atoms out: Burning Butane". They again will be building models of the molecules and also looking at the chemical formulas. Students will be totally independent for this activity today. We have practiced this type of lesson 4 times now and everyone should know what to do. The Think and Write questions from page 76 #1-8 will be assigned and due tomorrow.

Creation Station

Students will continue to work on their Final Book Project. Their 10 quotes are due at the end of class today.

Wednesday, May 16th


Students will complete lesson 17 "Where Does It Go?" The key question will be "Where do all the materilas and substances we use go when we are finished with them and throw them away?" This will be our last model making opportunity. The assignment is Think and Write page 79-80 #1-8.

Thursday, May 17th


We will be preparing for the Chemistry test that will be tomorrow. We will either use a study guide or a game show to study for the test.

Creation Station

Students will be working on their final project. Due today is their, "Importance of ..." paper.

Friday, May 18th


Students will be assessed on their Chemistry unit today. Progress reports will also go home today.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Our week has gone pretty well. We learned about molecules and atoms and what happens with hydrogen and oxygen atoms when water decomposes. During class, each person received a model kit to build models of water and then show what happens when the hydrogen and oxygen atoms are separated from one another. It was fun and we got to eat the marshmallows when we were done. Not as exciting as doing another lab, but the kids did a really nice job. We are going to finish this lesson on Friday 5/4/07 instead of working on the Science Fair. We will work on the Science Fair instead, next week. Remember, the Science Fair is May 24th!

Also, watch for a letter to be coming home about all the end of the year activities for 8th graders and what the criteria is for them to attend. If you haven't seen it, ask your child for it because it should be coming home with them on Monday.

Progress Reports should be coming home next week on May 18th!!!!!!!!!!

Here's our schedule:

Monday, May 7th,


We will be working on the science fair today. All classes should begin the experiments.

Creation Station

Students will arrive in class and choose to either copy a poem or to write a Diary entry of their choice. We will look over the criteria for our final book project and begin to work on them. The books will be due the last full week of school so be ready!

Tuesday, May 8th,


We will work again on our Science Fair project for the class. Hopefully, everything will pretty much be done today.

Wednesday, May 9th,


Today we will go back to our chemistry books and begin lesson 14 "Atoms in Equals Atoms Out:Rusting". The key question here is, "How can atoms and molecules be used to explain the formation of new substances? How can they be used to explain the Law of Conservation of Matter?" Your child should be becoming very familiar with this Law. We will be completing the Think and Write questions from page 67-68. If this is not finished during class, it is expected that it will be completed as homework.

Creation Station

Diary entry or poem activity upon entry. Then we will look at our Heart Mapping activity. We will pick out a subject and work on writing a poem on it. We will also be choosing our topic for our book today and using any extra time to begin working on it.

Thursday, May 10th,


We will continue to work on the same key question as with lessons #13 and #14. Lesson # 15 is, "Atoms in Equals Atoms Out:Baking Soda and Vinegar". Again we will be working on models, formulas, and balancing a basic equation. In class we will begin to work on the Think and Write page 73 #1-5. If it does not get finished in class, it should be finished at home.

Friday, May 11th,


Same key question as all of this week, but for lesson #16, "Atoms in Equals Atoms Out:Burning Butane". We will build models again and complete the chart that we have been using all week long. We will begin Think and Write page 76-77 in class and it should be completed at home.

Creation Station

Begin with our normal threshold activity and then have the rest of the time to work on a project for our book project.