Mrs. Kahler's 8th Grade Science Class

Friday, October 10, 2008

Here we go, we are all ready for our Student-Led Conferences next week. We hope that you and your child can make it. It is so important to work together as a team to endorse student learning. I am excited to see all my advisory students and their parent or guardian.

Next week is also a big week because it is MEAP week. It is critical that all students are to school on time and ready to take their test on Tuesday and Thursday. There are new rules from the state on how the test is administered and how many students have to take the test on that day for it to count. Let's get a good night's sleep and a great breakfast and tackle that MEAP.

Monday, October 13

Mr. Allie will be teaching a continuation of Thursday's lesson on Nanotechnology. Students will use their sticky notes from last time to write a short summary of what they learned. Next students will work in teams to read about a new Nanotechnology innovation. They will then use a strategy called, "One Strays". Students will be in charge of teaching other groups about the innovation that they read about and then learning about other group's innovations.

Science Connections
This is one more day of research to gather information on the innovation that students are researching to begin creating their podcasts.

Tuesday, October 14
MEAP Testing from 7:30 to 10:30
1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th hours will have class in the PM.

We will begin our next unit on Cells. We will be working on a vocabulary activity to help students have fluency and knowledge of new science words. Then we will begin reading in our NEW science text book on "Cells and Heredity". We will be starting with Chapter 1 section 2 and taking Lancer Notes.

Wednesday, October 15 (PM classes, 1/2 day)

We will continue yesterday's lesson for today's classes.

Thursday, October 16
MEAP Testing 7:30 to 10:30

Students will be using inquiry to learn about water tension with Mr. Allie. They will be testing two different substances for tension. They will complete a worksheet to show what they are learning.

Friday, October 17
Students will be creating cells in their teams to demonstrate their knowledge of the cell's organelles. After they dry, they will be hung from the ceiling. We call this, "Cells on the Ceiling".


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