Mrs. Kahler's 8th Grade Science Class

Saturday, May 10, 2008

We've had a good week with in Reproductive Health. Lots of good discussions going on. Be sure to look for some homework from your child on Monday. There will not be a lot of grades when it comes to this class, I'm hoping to get one per week. We will be dispersing some of our learning about sustainable systems throughout these lessons also for our Biotechnology Unit to begin.


Monday, May 12

Objective: Students will discuss ways to show love and affection without having sex.

Objective: Students will begin to look at what a sustainable system is and create a collage to show their understanding.

We will be finishing lesson 4 "Not Everyone is Having Sex". Then we will be moving on to learning about Sustainable Systems. We will discuss the definition and then work in groups to create a collage of what a sustainable system is.

Tuesday, May 13

Objective: Students will discover what Green building is and describe how Brown building affects the environment and human health.

Students will read about Green building and then begin to work in teams to research the effects of buildings on the environment and human health. They will be on a team that is going to create a public service announcement to inform the public about how buildings affect 1)energy and water consumption, 2)amount of land use and 3)atmospheric alteration.

Wednesday, May 14

Continuation from Tuesday. Students will use the lap tops to research their topic.

Helpful sites: Go current issue on stands and look through pages 12-24. Very specific!

Please feel free to find others and share them with us!

Thursday, May 15

Continuation from Tuesay. Students will be putting together their final piece to present to the class tomorrow. This should be a publishable piece of work.

Brochure template:


Assignment: Project%20Day%21.ppt

Friday, May 16Students will present their promotional pieces and the class will give feedback through the Carousel Feedback process.


Monday, May 12

Students will view Blue Planet part II to observe the interaction of producers, consumers and decomposers in the ocean. They will then complete the "Who Eats Who in MI Ecosystems" project from last week. Due today.

Wednesday, May 14

Students will go over the Ecosystems ABC project. We will answer any questions in class. Then we will get into groups and students will choose the ecosystem they would like to work on. We will begin work today.

Friday, May 16

Students will have today to work on researching their ecosystem.

Wednesday, May 14

Objective: Students will examine


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