Happy December! It's good to be back. Thank you for all the cards and well wishes. My prognosis is excellent and I will be starting radiation treatment soon. I have a great team of doctors who must have loved science in school.:) I will be scheduled more appointments with my team of doctors so I greatly appreciate your patients and support in encouraging your child's hard work when I am out in the future.
On Monday, the district will be printing the second semester report cards so watch for them this week. If your child receives an "I", incomplete, they will have 10 school days to make up the work.
lass="blsp-spelling-error" id="SPELLING_ERROR_0">Milwoodpan> is holding a holiday food drive from now until December 12th. Please send in store bought canned goods or boxed foods to your child's advisory class.
If anyone can donate clear, noncolored 2 liter bottles for our Global Warming class to create greenhouse environments, I would greatly appreciate it. I would love to have them by Friday to prep. them. Thank you!
Monday, December 3rd,
Students will be learning about three types of conventional heating systems, discussing how solar energy heats buildings, and identifying the difference between passive and active solar heating systems. This is lesson 6.2 in the physical science book. Students will work in pairs using Rally Coach to partner read the lesson with breaks for group discussion led by the teacher. They will then answer questions in class and finish any at home they did not finish in class.
Tuesday, December 4th,
Students will be learning about how the internal and external combustion engine works. They will also be able to explain how a heat mover can transfer thermal energy in a direction opposite to that of its natural movement. They will take notes on a power point presentation and sketch an engine and label the parts.
Students will also be able to explain the four stroke cycle. They will see a demo on what is needed for combustion.
Wednesday, December 5th,
Students will explain how differences in ocean temperatures can be used to operate a heat engine that changes thermal energy to mechanical energy. Also, they will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of ocean thermal energy conversion.
Thursday, December 6th,
Students will be working with their tables to look over their notes and what they have learned for Units 4, 5, and 6. They will work on writing their own test as a review for tomorrow's test. They will give their test to another group to take and they will grade it also.
Friday, December 7th,
Unit 4, 5, and 6 Assessment. Bring a book to read.
Global Warming
Monday, December 3rd,
Welcome students to Global Warming class. Show students routines of classroom. Assign seats and complete a get to know you activity.
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Wednesday, December 5th,
Review classroom routines. Begin discussion on Greenhouse effect and Global Warming.
Friday, December 7th,
Review classroom routines, complete a team building activity and complete Wednesday's Greenhouse effect and Global Warming discussion. Put posters up in the room.
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