Happy November All! We are just crusin' along in Physics. All tests were given back last week and students were given the weekend to regain some of their missed points and they had vocabulary homework (see last week's blog).
Progress reports will go home on Friday and should be returned on Monday signed by a guardian with any late work.
There will be a quiz on Friday to assess what we have learned so far from unit 4 on lesson 4.1 through 4.4.
Have a great week.
Monday Nov. 5
We will begin a two day lesson on 4.2 "Projectile and Circular Motion". Students will be able to explain why things that are thrown or shot follow a curved path. They will also compare motion in a straight line with circular motion and define weightlessness. We will read pages 100-105 and take notes in our science journals.
Tuesday Nov. 6
We will finish any notes that were not finished yesterday and complete a Mini Lab to answer the question, "Do Projectiles fall more slowly than dropped objects?" There will also be a demonstration on "free-fall". Students will then go over the questions from the Section Wrap-Up on page 105 in their groups using the Rally Robin approach. Then we will use the student/team selector to have teams answer the questions.
Wednesday Nov. 7
This class period will be dedicated to looking at artificial satellites and how we send them in orbit, why they are useful and why they don't say in orbit. To do this we will read section 4.3 in the book and have a presentation with questions from the reading and previous lessons. Notes will be taken in our science notebooks through out the day and a follow along worksheet with the problems will be collected at the end of the hour. A link to the presentation and worksheet follows.
Presentation: Sending_up_Satellites.pdf
Worksheet: Sending_up_Satellites_Worksheet.pdf
Thursday Nov. 8
We will work on Lesson 4.4 "Action and Reaction". Students will read and take notes in their Science Journal from pages 110- 116. There will be a Mini-lab to demonstrate, "How to deliver a payload with a rocket." Then students will work in their teams to complete the Problem Solving activity on page 115.
Friday Nov. 9
Quiz today over what we have learned the last two weeks. Progress reports go home today also. Please return them signed by a guardian for homework credit. Students should also return any late work with the progress report on Monday. Yesterday took longer than expected so we will continue finishing Thursday's lesson.
Tuesday Nov. 6
Today we will be looking at how important bees are to many ecosystems and agriculture. We will be reading about Colony Collapse Disorder by reading an article from the New York Times.Students will be asked to write down 5 facts found in the article and reflect on how it relates to ecosystems. There is a link to the article bellow.
Thursday Nov. 8
We will continue to look about how plants are and how those interactions between plants and their different pollinators effect their ecosystem.
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